Friday, 31 August 2012

Challenge Aspen

Cant wait to be out on the Snowmass Slopes working with people like this, hopefully the London Paralympics will inspire some more people to give more oppotunities a go!

Expensive Business.

Well I'm now hours into completing paperwork for my year away, and my to-do list doesn't seem to be getting any smaller. It is not helped by the fact every document I seem to need costs a huge amount of money! I am finding my self paying £45 for the police to send me a certificate telling me I haven't broken any laws, well thanks for the insight. You may be able to tell I'm in an agitated mood, as another thing winding me up is the fact every form is in PDF format meaning I can't edit them until I convert them through a website, not a great hassle but still enough to become annoying.

Thursday, 30 August 2012


So, do I want to fly down to Gatwick from Newcastle and then onto Denver. Or, do I get a train to Kings Cross and then on to Gatwick ?! Must admit the thought of dragging a years worth of clothes and snow gear through London doesn't really appeal to me, but can I justify spending more for the flight? Hope Dial-A-Flight can get me some cheap-as-chips flights!

Getting Started.

Well, my first ever blog post. must say thanks to the fashion blogger Evie Stothert for getting me all set up today. November 15th seems to be getting very close! But, with the ups come the downs as I seem to be spending all my time filling in forms!